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From Patents to Profits – How Maxinov Drives Commercialization in Healthcare Technology: Case Study

Technology companies invest heavily in R&D and building patent assets which costs a huge money. But there is a common problem – many patents aren’t being used to their full potential. This means they’re missing out on opportunities to make money by letting others use their inventions, and they’re not doing a great job at protecting their ideas or keeping their market share secure.

Maxinov joined forces with a major player in the healthcare technology world to tackle this challenge for their IP portfolio. Their mission was simple: give the top people in charge of protecting ideas a clear view of all the patents they have. They wanted to make sure that the patents worth a lot of money got used well to make money, that they kept their new ideas safe, and that they managed the patents that worth a lot in a smart way.

In this journey of patent portfolio management and commercialization for this big company, Maxinov opens doors to new patent opportunities, ensuring the innovations are protected and monetized. Each patent is seen as an opportunity waiting to be explored, offering the potential for business’s success.

A Vision for Patent Portfolio Excellence

Step 1: Tailored Patent Portfolio Categorization

To meet the client’s needs, our team meticulously assessed the extensive patent portfolio, categorizing patents based on technology and application areas. This tailored approach enabled us to distinguish patents relevant to the company’s core product lines from those that didn’t align with their strategic goals.

Step 2: Qualitative Assessment for Licensing Potential

Our experts conducted a comprehensive qualitative analysis, customizing parameters to evaluate licensing potential. We assessed parameters such as claim strength, idea utility, detectability, and market size to categorize patents as high, medium, or low-value assets.

The Path to Patent Portfolio Excellence

Step 3: Identifying High-Value Patents for Monetization

Approximately 30% of the patent portfolio emerged as high-value, suitable for licensing opportunities and monetization. These high-value patents underwent in-depth analysis to unlock their full revenue potential.

Step 4: Streamlining Low-Value Patents

Simultaneously, low-ranking patents underwent analysis for potential pruning, allowing the client to make data-driven decisions on whether to retain or retire these assets.

Realizing Business Impact

Step 5: Leveraging High-Value Patents for Monetization

Maxinov’s comprehensive patent management program empowered the client to capitalize on high-value patents, leading to strategic decisions in licensing, cross-licensing, and monetization. Supported by over 200 EoU charts, these initiatives resulted in increased revenue and significant cost savings through patent pruning, facilitating monetization.

Step 6: Quarterly Portfolio Strengthening

Thanks to Maxinov’s introduction of a quarterly program, the client consistently strengthened their patent portfolio, focusing on areas where their patents were comparatively weaker. This proactive approach positioned the client for success in the digital health technology industry, with a stronger emphasis on monetization.

In summary, Maxinov’s comprehensive strategy for patent portfolio management and monetization has not only elevated the client’s standing in the digital health technology sector but also provides a practical framework for other companies to make the most of their patent assets, emphasizing monetization as a central goal.


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